We're excited to announce AIMSCO's Summer 2024 Edition. Releases this summer include a new addition to our Power Plant suite - Power Slide - providing real time status displays optimized for shop floor visibility. Important new features enhance uses for our Messaging module. Zone Map eChecksheets are now generally available as a premium module. New options for ERP integration are available as well as a variety of new features and enhancements to existing features. And behind the scenes, we've made many updates to the way core features are implemented and deployed to further improve performance and stability without visible changes to your operations or admin teams.
We've officially moved to a seasonal release cycle to better fit our customers busy production and new product introduction cycles, while allowing adequate time for acceptance testing and training. We welcome your feedback and comments on this transition.
Overview - Release 1
Power Slide
Power Slide is a new module within the Power Plant suite, providing real-time display optimized for line-side and public display monitors. Typical uses include dashboards for production and quality status in a rotating display, informing connected workers and plant management on priority areas for quick action.
Messages Enhancements
Message Management now supports Notifications delivered by email and triggered by a variety of events, including defect occurrence, specific defect type / code, defect occurrence in a specific responsible area, and changes to eChecksheet version.
Multiselect Breadcrumb
Additionally, all Message components (Alerts, Bubble-ups, and Notifications) now support multiple selection for each level of the breadcrumb hierarchy.
Messages can be configured to use SMTP for on-premises clients when Azure Event Hub is not accessible.
eChecksheet Enhancements
Single User Lock
A new eChecksheet setting has been created which allows for locking an eChecksheet to a single user. When one user has tracked into the eChecksheet, other users will be locked out and not able to enter until the first user has tracked out.
When an eChecksheet is locked and another user tries to enter that eChecksheet, they will now see this:
This setting can be enabled on both current eChecksheet and new eChecksheets.
For existing eChecksheet, after clicking the edit icon on an eChecksheet, click on “Edit CS Options”. You will now see a new toggle for “Single User”:
By default, this setting is off, which means that this behavior won't occur for any of your existing eChecksheets unless you turn it on intentionally.
For a new eChecksheet, you will now see a toggle for “Single User” available when creating the eChecksheet. By default, this setting is off.
Start Timer from Schedule
We have added the ability to start run timers from the schedule. This allows users and admin to start multiple timers quickly. A link is added to the schedule and with a click the timer for that eChecksheet is started and will continue to run until the eChecksheet is actually entered and the run timer stopped.
Improved multiplant support for Reports tab
Reports tab can now be filtered to specific plants or audiences within a given client installation, making the Report tab feature available to clients with multiple plants where such filtering is required.
New ERP / IoT Integration Options
New connectors are available providing direct import of detailed part master data from ERP through multiple delivery methods, including SFTP and Azure Data Lake Storage. Real-time addition of new eCheckitems to existing eChecksheets from ERP data source feeds is now available, with notifications available using the new Messaging component. Connected data sources supporting these features available include Microsoft Dynamics® and SAP.
Visual Design Changes
Processing Tasks
We've added a "Processing Tasks" alert as a bell icon in the upper right next to the user icon to show the status of long-running background tasks like Model Management update processing.
Integration Web Hook Status
We've added a red-green status icon to the left of the trend chart icon for eCheckitems that receive data directly from an Integration Web Hook, providing operator visibility to issues with automated connections to equipment or ERP data sources that can directly driving eChecksheet data population.
Quality Improvements
Cosmetic Improvements
- Fonts and spacing between eCheckitems have been adjusted for improved appearance and visibility.
- Horizontal and vertical space on the Schedule have been adjusted to reduce the need for scrolling horizontally.
- Resolved an issue where floating Track out buttons were not displayed at the bottom of eChecksheets when vertical scrolling is required.
Functional Improvements
Fixed an issue for multiplant users, where attempts to create a user that existed at another plant would get an error stating that this user already exists, without additional details. Now you will get a message showing the plant where the existing user is registered.
- Fixed an error seen in certain edge cases when adding eChecksheets to a managed model.
- Eliminated duplicate records seen in certain cases for Run Timer Advanced History.
- Fixed an issue where an operator would get an error opening an eChecksheet after it was edited to have a group with Option name defined but not specifying either Option Value or Option Wildcard.
- CAPA interface will now only allow the Owner of a given CAR to cancel a CAR stage
- Eliminated access to the eChecksheet edit feature for users without the proper role in edge cases.
- Eliminated duplicate comment when clicking Save repeatedly and quickly.
- Fixed a number of related issues where defects, comments and attachments made in IQ Maps and other modules were displayed in the Repair interface at levels of detail that were not expected.
The template/part selection list is restricted to only the template/part of the product the checksheet belongs to, but you may check the new Show All Products button (see image below) to see templates/parts from other products if desired.
Overview - Release 2
- Comments in flow map now gives a notification that defects and comments will not be saved when clicking the X on the last flow map part.
- Searching for a user or group in user management would sometimes cause the screen to go white.
- Creating a new eCS will now require a Part to be assigned.
Overview - Release 3
- In some cases, images in check item instructions were shown as a broken link.
- Model Manger sometimes would save with only the new item.
- Counts on the schedule for Pending, Open, Repaired, Complete have been corrected.
- Messages: Notifications and Alerts would not trigger in some cases.
- Links to CAPA from the CAPA Matrix have been fixed.
- In some cases, saving a stage in CAPA would not update the Status
- Improved performance when saving an eCS with a large number of eCI's.
- In CAPA, save changes button now shows up only if you are the CAR Owner.
Overview - Release 4
- Cosmetic Changes on IQ Map
- Cosmetic Changes in Base Tables
- Messages: Notifications and Alerts would not trigger in some cases.
- In some cases, check items with a single quote, the quote would get duplicated each time the eCS was edited.
- In some cases, passwords could not be reset in User Management.
- In some cases, images were shown as a broken link.
Overview - Release 5
- Clicking on graphs for the CAPA Dashboard issue now provides expected navigation and filtering.
- Fixed a label on the New CAPA page from CAR Approver to CAR Owner.
- Links from alert emails to CAPA now behave as expected in all cases.
- Messages: Notifications and Alerts now trigger as expected in all cases.
For questions on use of new features within existing licensed modules, see our Enterprise Support Port (https://support.aimsco.com) or contact support@aimsco.com. For additional details on the features and functionality available in new modules, please contact sales@aimsco.com.