After entering the Check Item Edit frame:
1. Select Variable type from check item selection.
1.1 Give short description for the item.
- Specify Multi Sample type from the available list
- Multi sample N - Single sample: This setting allows only a single sample saved per serial number.
- Multi sample U - Multiple user-controlled samples: This allows the user to collect multiple samples per serial number. Additional samples are collected by pressing the Next Sample button visible when you select this option.
- Multi sample X - Multiple track-out controlled samples. This option saves a sample for each track out of the serial number on the checksheet. When check items with multi sample X are included in a checksheet, the track-out next sample graphic (↴) is shown at the top of the checksheet, allowing simultaneous track out of multiple check items to the next sample while staying within the same serial number.
- Multi sample U - Multiple user-controlled samples: This allows the user to collect multiple samples per serial number. Additional samples are collected by pressing the Next Sample button visible when you select this option.
- Is Numeric.
- by default is ON for numeric variable data collection. turning this off, will require Alpha variable setting.
- Display Limits
- Turn this option ON to show USL/LSL/Target associated with the Characteristic
5. Characteristic - click "..." to add / change the Characteristic definition associated with this check item
- Select from the list of available characteristics or click New Characteristic to add a new one. The list is restricted to only the template of the product the checksheet belongs to, but you may click the show all button to see templates from other products
- Edit Spec Details (or Add Spec Details if new) for the selected Characteristic.
- Select from the list of available characteristics or click New Characteristic to add a new one. The list is restricted to only the template of the product the checksheet belongs to, but you may click the show all button to see templates from other products
- Input mask must be in the format ###.# to indicate expected digits and decimal places. The display of the spec limits adheres to this mask.
- Applying strict controls will make the value adhere to the input mask as well
- Unit Name - is a unit of measure - can be defined by user, e.g. Degrees, miles, inches, meters, etc.
- Set Upper and lower spec limits (USL, LSL). Saved values out side of USL/LSL will cause the control to turn RED indicating out of spec value.
- Target controls various reporting functions including capability calculation
- Sanity Min and Sanity Max will prevent erroneous user input. For example, if you set your LSL as 40, Target 45, and USL 50, then you can set your minimum sanity to 0 and a maximum of 50. This means, when an operator mistakenly inputs a number greater than 50, an error message will be displayed as shown in diagram 1.4 below.
6. Click Save.