1. Login to MLM with administrative privileges.
1.1 Click the Site Settings icon ⚙ from top right corner.
1.1a Click the Base Tables link from the menu side bar
2. Click departments to edit the Department base table
3. Click on the Fetch Table button.
4 Now click the Edit button to edit the base table.
5 now you have two options 1) Add Row, to add new entry or 2) click on icon to clone similar record and edit it for the new department.
5.1a Type the new Department (name or number). Fields with red asterisks are required.
5.1b Optionally, give a Department Description (when available this is displayed elsewhere in MLM) Changed items will appear with an orange background to indicate changes have been made
6. Click on Save Changes button.
6a. For traceability, provide a reason for making the change
7. Click Submit button to save the data or red "X" (red oval) to cancel the save and go back to edit the record.