How to collect MTS consumed: This is a process where an operator inputs the targeted number for the data consumed. In collecting an MTS consumed check item, show the LSL, TARGET, and USL.
When the number consumed is lower or higher than the actual target, the image turns red but when the number consumed is the actual target or within the target, the image turns green.
After collecting the MTS Consumed, you can either save a single data or save and move to the next sample as specified by the administrator.
The sanity minimum and maximum are set to help prevent numerical errors entered while collecting your specification data. For example, if you set your LSL as 40, Target 45, and USL 50, then you can set your minimum sanity to 0 and a maximum of 50. This means, when an operator mistakenly inputs a number greater than 50, there will be an error message as shown in diagram 1.4 below.
Only the administrator/planner can set or edit the minimum or maximum sanity or someone else given the privilege to.