Smart Masks are used to control the format of both MTS Check Items tracking numbers and Product Serial Numbers (PSN). Some differences exist between features and handling between MTS Check Items and PSN’s - these are summarized in a table at the end of the document.
Smart Mask Parts
Each available Smart Mask part is detailed below along with any additional details that need to be known to make each part work.
The X works as a placeholder for a character that must exist to perform a save.
0 functions as a placeholder for a sequencing character. The value of this placeholder MUST be a number and should generally be the last Smart Mask Part. If the check item or PSN is defined with Auto Gen and Auto Sequence, the group of 1 or more 0 parts will be sequenced accordingly (00, 01, 02, 03, 04 etc). The sequencing of the numbers is done within a single PSN and Checksheet combination. If you need a sequence that spans across days or shifts, please see the SEQ part as defined below.
The DD placeholder will be replaced with the current 2 digit day.
The MM placeholder will be replaced with the current 2 digit month.
The YY placeholder will be replaced with the current 2 digit year
The YYYY placeholder will be replaced with the current 4 digit year
The SHIFT placeholder is replaced with the current Shift as defined in the SHIFT_PARM table based on the Plant and current plant local time.
The STATION placeholder is replaced with the Station associated with the checksheet.
The SEQ placeholder provides a structured way to continue and reset sequence based on another field in the smart mask. Although functionally similar in output to the 000 based sequencing, the generation of the next sequence ONLY relies on the setup of the part and will NOT reset on PSN, Checksheet, or Product changes. Un-like most other smart mask parts, the SEQ requires additional syntax outside of just the base placeholder. The SEQ Place holder is as follows:
SEQ[“seqBase”, “000”]
The seqBase can be set to one of the following options based on the desired sequencing:
- SHIFT: sequences across all uses of the tracking unit within the shift. Once a shift change occurs, the sequence is reset to 1.
- DD: sequences across all uses of the tracking unit within the same calendar day. Once the date changes, the sequence is reset to 1.
The CONS part is used to specify a constant set of characters. Similar to the SEQ part, the syntax for this smart mask part is different than most and is dictated below:
CONS[“constant string of characters”]
The PROD part is replaced with the check item product.
The PART smart mask part is replaced with the check item Part Number.
The PSN part is replaced with the current PSN followed by a “-“ character. When displayed to the user, the PSN and “-“ are removed. This smart mask part is really only designed to be used in combination with a 0 based sequencer and MUST be the first smart mask part in a mask.
Parent smart mask part is replaced with the current PSN, similarly to the PSN smart mask part, but does NOT include the “-“ character
The Option smart mask part is replaced with the current Option_Value that was passed into the checksheet. This smart mask part requires the check item to be configured for Option_Wildcard and for the schedule to pass in the desired option value.
The * smart mask part, functions as a true wild card. It allows for any number or type of characters.
A placeholder for a two-digit minute value (e.g., 00
to 59
A placeholder for a two-digit second value (e.g., 00
to 59
A placeholder for a three-digit millisecond value (e.g., 000
to 999
Defining a Smart Mask
Defining a smart mask is based on the desired tracking number / serial number format and then selecting the needed smart mask parts.
Example 1:
Desired format: SL:APT07812-03082019-001 (SL:part – date-seq)
Smart Mask: CONS[“SL:”]PARTCONS[“-“]MMDDYYYYCONS[“-”]000
Example 2:
Desired format: 990-APT07812-DayShift-001 (sequence by the product-part-shift, with sequencing only within the shift
Smart Mask Features: PSN vs MTS Check Item
Smart Mask Part |
PSN? |
MTS Tracking # |
Comment |
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N? N? Y |
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y |