The Model Manager allows user to create a master model from an existing model with all its Stations, Plans and Checksheets to either manage its own model or clone another model off of this base model.
Warning: The same station name cannot be assigned in two different areas. This will lead to issues when attempting to add checksheets and check items to models. Please ensure station names are unique across areas to avoid complications.
(breadcrumb structure Product>Area>Station>Plan>Checksheet>PSN)
If you add Product1 > Area1 > Station1 > Plan1 > Checksheet1 > PSN1
to the Model Boat, you cannot also add Product1 > Area2 > Station1 > Plan1 > Checksheet1 > PSN1
to the same Model Boat. Duplicate pathways will cause conflicts.
1. Click on Planning gear and select a product to be a master model.
2. Click to add the model (product)
3. You can add to an existing model master, or enter a new name for the new model master. Note: Do not add the word "Master" to the name, since the name "_master" will be added to the model name.
4. Click SAVE to save the new model master. Click on the Bell icon to see the progress of the copying model.
Click on Site Setting gear then select Model Manager from the right menu bar.
5. Click on Site Setting gear then select Model Manager. You should see new and previously created models.
6. Click on a model to select it.
7. Select the right item.
8. With the plus sign, add the product, product family, and description.
Save the model, view model changes then apply.
Also, we have the bell icon which makes this step a lot easier, saves time, and handles larger products. The bell icon helps to track the background processes.